Friday, September 2, 2011

Do All M&M's Taste The Same?

Today was a day my senses were visceral and acute.  Colors were near painful bliss.  Air sought to play a cold/hot game with every nerve ending from fingers to heels.  My brain soaked-in every receptacle of information from the outside world and I was clear minded enough to perceive what was around me. 

Today was a day I could say I lived in the now.  On these days I like to play sensory games.  One of them is closing my eyes, popping one M&M into my mouth and guessing the color of the dye.  Some dyes are more prominent than others and sometimes the dye is weak but mostly, on days like this, I guess correct. 

Taking the time to live, to be in the moment isn't always difficult to do.  When fog of the future or inner conflict deprives me of being absolutely alert of the beauty around, I pick my favorite sensory game and come back to the now.  Here and now is where you are at not the past and not the future.  Take the here and now to discover if colors all taste the same.

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