Monday, June 25, 2012

Quotes I Could Kill

There's a saying I've always been annoyed with.  It's the "2 kinds of people in the world".  

It annoyed me because I always found it to be too definitive, cutting people on one side or the other.  There was always a third option.  Even if it was those that don't care.  

But I choose to see this saying in a different way.  If you choose to see the world in a classification of two kinds of people then the term needs to be broad or physical.  You are either my enemy or my friend.  You either agree with me or you don't.  You either own a gun or you don't.  

It's wonderful that there a more than two kinds of people in the world.  What starts people resenting others is division.  Division of us vs. them.  This could be why there are only "two" political parties.  Because people can't think in terms better than a crow?  (Crows can only count to three)  

No, because there are so many possibilities that it's hard to comprehend.  I have a certain amount of respect for those that think past "it's not possible".  Those are people that think past the restriction of only two paths.

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