Monday, October 15, 2012

Bad Habits...Secret Of A Mindset

It takes 31 days to break a bad habit.

"Breaking" bad habits really takes replacing the bad habit with a good habit.  Carry it out for 31 days and you now have a new habit!  Hopefully it's a good one!

You can use a string around your finger to constantly annoy you or even post it notes to help remind you but what it takes is a mindset.  

Chocolate is going to be my example.  

Say you luv chocolate.  You crave chocolate but you eat too much devil sweetness and want to cut down or stop.  If you are truly of the mindset to stop eating bars of candy then you can overcome the instant gratification lure by thinking--that's chocolate, how is it going to make me feel after I eat it?

Yes, you'll have some kind of high in the beginning, but too much sugar makes me feel run down.  It makes me feel like a blob.  I don't want to feel like a run down blob.  That mindset will help me avoid bars of chocolate (most the time).  

I'll also think, "What's the payoff?" 

I'll enjoy the taste, but not what it does afterward.  Loving what my body does for me, I want to treat it well.  Usually, this mindset is enough for me to look at chocolate and think "yuk".  Not because I don't like the taste, but because of the feelings I have afterward.

You might be thinking -- no one sees chocolate and thinks "yuk".  You do if you recall run down blob feeling.  Also, you want change a habit because it's BAD FOR YOU.  Commit to changing a habit you want to lose for a conscious 31 days and afterward it becomes second nature!  

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