Sunday, October 7, 2012

Hiking: Los Angeles, CA: Deukmejian Wilderness Park

Your view at the top
I took the one hour trail and it kicked our arse in gear!  We parked, put the water pack on and climbed!  

There are two or three trails from the restored horse barn at home base.  This park has bathrooms, sitting areas and a stadium fit for 20.  So if you want to look out over Sunland Valley, you can relax in shade.  

Dunsmore Canyon Trail
Or you can take a butt-kicking trail.  It doesn't matter which butt-kicking trail you take--they start at You-Wanna-Piece-O-Me? to You're-Gonna-Die!   

However, so worth it!  Dunsmore Canyon Trail will not let you sit on your laurels.  Rocks and a constant upward climb will cure any disdain you feel for water.  Bring it.  

This climb only took me an hour but Emma slept the rest of the day afterward.  As you can see from the poll, dogs, horses, bikes allowed on this moderate trail.  

Now, you'll see a bench at the "woosie" fake end.  But you'll notice the trail keeps going.  If you need to rest, do.  But the trail end is only another 200 feet up and the climb isn't any different than what you've been doing to get there.  

People who don't woosie out view

The real top will lead you to shade and a creek that you really should go to because it's beyond the trail end and you shouldn't go where you're not suppose to.  But it's nice to er, listen to the creek I didn't go to.  Because going to the creek would lead you off the trail.  Even though there's a path leading down to it. 

If you see this post, you did it right

Summary: Feeling Onry?   Go for it!  It will test your balance due to rocks.  It has one level area and one bench before the top.  My suggestion--stop at both the woosie bench and the go to the top for the view!  

Emma made me do it!

Here's the stats: 

Miles: 2 miles
Speed: 2 mph
Climb: 3,040 Elevation
Time: 1 hour
Dogs: On leash--watch for horses
Notes: Reach the bench for the view, then go all the way to the top for shade and the peace of a creek. 

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