Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Build A Better Blog Day 9: Join A Forum and Start Participating

Photo Credit: mallix via Compfight cc
I grumbled about this, but then I found some awesome blogs of ordinary people doing extraordinary things. I joined a community not because I had to find someone to follow and comment on, but someone who inspired me. One of them was Wendy McCance and her blog Searching for the Happiness. Wendy is inspirational in many ways and she just wants to help others, so she's now part of my daily life.

My other thoughts on this is how forums and social media are different. I could see where this really does get you to people who are focused on your subject. If you apply yourself, give good information, supply yourself as an authority on the subject those people will come see your blog. 

Another place to collect fans! So here's what I think--Goodreads, LinkedIn, even facebook has fan pages dedicated to certain themes. Twitter has hash tags. Anyone care to guide me on what Google+ has? "Circles" maybe? Anyway...

Goodreads has forums for your genre. Facebook has pages. Twitter hashtags. LinkedIn fits this platform really well with groups. I would suggest finding smaller forums to gain the most visabiltiy. 

Darren also confesses one of the tactics I use...getting blog fodder from these forums. Or you can have a groupie boyfriend that sends content your way. If you answer a question that is asked over and over, you'll be seen as an authority. You become a resource for people and they go to your blog thus gaining a follower. Orginization tip: Bookmark the fourms you participate in and put them under one folder in your browser. That way you can just click the "open all". Spend 15-20 minutes riffling through them and do it daily. LinkedIn's daily email is great for that.

Darren gives great examples in his book and further reading for all these tips...
Click HERE to buy the book!

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