Friday, August 3, 2012

Synopsis--The Real Reason Why I Want To Self-Publish

Sin-op-sus -- any word with "sin" as the first syllable makes me think I'm doing it wrong.  

Seriously your publisher NEEDS this!  Your agents NEEDS this!  They can be up to 12 pages.  I've seen one that's 32 pages long.  That's like a novella.  

Why can't you jot a paragraph for the Synopsis?  Actually that's a query.  Besides, demon meets girl and falls in love doesn't quite get the mood of a book.  How do they fall in love?  What's the struggle?  Can a demon fall in love?  And what's wrong with her to love him back?
Those are the kinds of questions you might be asked.  But instead of a blow by blow it might help to give a two page summary of your book.  

Keep in mind the pinnacle points.  You know, Act 1, Act 2 and Act 3.  Okay tangent time--I truly believe that a book can have more than 3 Acts, but that's for a later discussion.  

What happens in each Act of your book?  What is the inciting incident?  Aside from that what is the struggle, how does the MC cope?  What does the MC learn?  Who helps the MC realize they are being a dick/their struggle is founded.  What makes them keep going, what internal insight does the MC finally reach?  

That's a synopsis.  I'd read that novella!  I just don't want to write it!  Go ahead, call me a coward...(but there actually is a more serious reason as to why I'm going Indie.  That I'll share with you later.) 

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