Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Build A Better Blog Day 27: Hunt For Dead Links

The Hunt For The Red October
My first thought was me going through hundreds of posts clicking on links for verification would be like a movie I remembered...hence the picture.

Why do we want to do this?

1. Readability ~ If a reader is searching through your awesome content and your links are dead, that's rather disappointing. They see your blog as unreliable.

2. SEO rankings ~ If google crawls for good content, you know they're ranking for bad content too. Dead links have got to effect rank.

But doing it one by one? Yuk.  There HAS to be a better way...and there is!

Xenu's Link Sluth


Link Valet
W3C Free link checker
AnyBrowser's link cheker


So you found dead links on your have options! Depending on relevancy of the post you can:

  1. Update the link.
  2. Delete the link
  3. Delete the post.

 Also check for mistakes in:

  1. Spelling
  2. Grammar
  3. Punctuation

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