Friday, September 21, 2012

The Secret Of Coffee

The true secret of coffee is temperature.  

Scald the beans and you have crappy coffee.  This applies to tea as well. 

Now, my dad wants his coffee to remove the layer of morning mouth, which is way too hot.  He likes crappy coffee.  Or he might not care what it tastes like.  Just as long as the shoe-bottom taste of his mouth is gone.  Which has it's own merit.  Because crappy coffee breath might be better than breath that wrinkles plutonium.  Wow.  Mom--I'm so sorry. 
There is also a time as to when to drink coffee.  Unless it's iced, drink it at the perfect temperature for you and don't dally.  

I've also found that hard water/soft water makes a difference. I think of hard water as "mineral water".  Not really the same as mineral water -- those minerals are not there intentionally I don't think, but hard water makes coffee taste bitter.  Soft water tends to make coffee taste sweet.  

And then there are the fru-fru coffee's we drink to lessen the bitter taste.  Whatever your prefrence DON'T BURN YOUR BEANS!

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