This all started with a question--Men want to meet as many women as possible, but why do they want to meet women?
I had to reverse the question on myself--why would I want to meet men? The answer was--I'm not looking to meet men. I thought to myself, why not? The answer came clear to me. I already have fullfilling relationships with whom I spend time with. The strangest thing is those meaningful relationships are with a lot of horses. I have a bond with horses that I don't get from people. I have to go deeper than words to understand them and in doing so I understand them deeper than I would a person.
To answer my own question I observe my horse friends. I've noticed more male gender horses are the ones that really give it their all to try and please me as a rider. Female gender horses have goals, opinions on how to ride them or just plain tell me to back off, sit there and let them take the jump already. Geldings try to impress me with as many moves as they know, get anxious over corrections, are a bundle of nerves when I'm not reassuring them when trying new things and generally consistently ask--am I doing it right? Mares tell me if I don't like they way they are doing it--get off. Don't tell me how to do a half-pass.
I compare horses and people and find many similarities. But I still ask--why does the male of the species want to please and meet women? Do they crave what women have?
I turn to DW to ask--Why do you want to please your woman? I got two answers. First he said, because it's ingrained in us. The other answer was because when women are happy good things happen.
I happen to think it is possible men understand their happiness comes from seeing their woman happy. They have found the key to their own self worth by making the one that makes them feel good, happy. It feeds their ego and men are about ego. Why do women drive men crazy? Because men are trying to be the mind-readers women would like them to be so they can figure out women.
While women are easy, women can be fickle too. That's enough to make me crazy, I don't blame guys for breaking down and giving up. But, one reason why I think men want to meet women is because it is ingrained in them to meet as many women as possible. They aren't going to get the same kind of relationship with guys as gals. Truly men do want intimacy in their lives. They do want to share who they are. They want a witness to their life and be able to point to us and say this person cares about what I do.
I think that would be a good reason to be in a relationship--fulfillment. The kind you don't get with horses or dogs.
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