Monday, May 28, 2012

Where Do Good Ideas Come From?

Inspiration hits!  You write like mad to keep up and then the scene is complete in its draft.  Who was that masked muse and why did she come so fast and furious?  You re-read the scene and whether its a great scene that needs more work or a bomb of ink and paper you think, where do I go from here?
This is an example of your brain churning the wheels for a good idea.  This is the start of a dossier for a character.  The scene might not be the start of a story but the start of a character in their everyday world. 
Good ideas always start with day-dreams for me.  Facets of my own personality shine and embody the characters I create.  It's a way to explore a flaw, a virtue and/or a goal.
Good ideas also come from free writing.  It's what comes to mind you write.  A few posts I've started with "I don't know what to write I'm suppose to write what is in my mind.  I think of fire and my fire pit outside in the back yard.  I'd like to do that again and have s’mores.  The fire is warm, I'm in a chair..."
It's not Hemingway and not supposed to be.  It's the start of a scene.  It gets you to blow out the crap to get to the gold.  This blog is one big free writing exercise.  It's not my best work, just the most honest. 
What really makes a good idea are having ideas all the time.  It's like exercising a muscle.  Curiosity is involved with good ideas.  Yes, there will be bad ideas, but if you have no ideas, how are the good ones to come? 

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