Thursday, June 7, 2012

I Believe That...

Inspired tribute to American Gods.  In a scene near the end of American Gods by Neil Gaiman, one of the characters explains what she believes in.  It's inspiring and awesome along with the book.  I highly recommend it!

I Believe That...
People can change if they want to but they can't change if someone else wants them to.

E-books and traditional publishing will still be around 100 years from now but traditional publishing might not be 200 years from now.

Planet earth is so far in the boondocks that it's going to take us humans to go visit for life in the center of the galaxy.

Another planet in the opposite end of the boondocks is wondering when we'll show up.

I could eat PBJ's for lunch every week day but maybe not every weekend.

You should take care of what you think in your head because it shapes your soul.

When I die I will be missed even if no one knows who I am.

Because the sky is blue and the grass is green I've adapted to love those colors as the epitome of health.

Crying is the soul bleeding and tears are poison that needs an outlet for one to heal.

Death is an adventure.

Righteousness is an eternal inheritance and Alucard will come for you one day.

Love is God, not the other way around.

Hell is not a place or a destination but your own personal nightmare that needs to be confronted before you gain true confidence.

Zack Fair is a sexy-ass whatever he is.

Marcus interferes with my life more often than I'd like to admit.

Fun is a requirement to live, otherwise you exist.

Google is the next American God.

Just because I talk to myself, doesn't make me crazy, it makes me sane.

Kindness should be sprinkled out liberally everyday so that this world doesn't become intolerable.

With Corso Riggs by my side, I will defeat Darth Vader.

Those who tell me to shut up are those I shouldn't bother talking with.

The safest place on earth is under a rainbow.

Reality is too constrictive when it comes to imagination and children.

Stephanie is the most beautiful girls name ever.

Opening your heart to yourself can be dangerous but worth the risk because if you don't it has no reason to beat.

Yak's spit to be funny.

No one can make you feel a certain way, but that doesn't give them license to hide behind when they try to hurt you or say something that's "truthful".

The Queen Chess piece should never be relied upon; she's a woman and can change her mind and sides.

Vegan's don't understand that this world is not fair, but I admire their choice, not because they are "superior" and don't eat meat but because going without something that the body needs for years takes beyond the will to live and longevity or a devil's worth of self loathing.  

X is the universal sign for "this is worth the booby-trap that might kill you."

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