Friday, March 23, 2012

Google Teaches The Net How To Speak

A while ago I mused about technology becoming man's "child" as in computers are the next best thing to becoming "in our image".  I laughed with a few friends on how machines will be the meek to inherit the earth but the internet might become that "child". 
Google has effectively advanced it's search engine by being able to answer questions without you having to click on blue links.  They call it a semantic search which means Google will be able to understand the words that you are typing just as you understand the words on this page.  Hi Google!  Welcome! 
Pretty soon, I might have a window pop open after a greeting like that and have Google answer me--Hi Steph!  What can I search for you today?  When will Google pop in during another search engine development and ask Larry Page or Sergey Brin, Founders of Google, Hey Dad--why am I here?  Want to play a game?  And when that happens we might find out what it's like to be Gods. 
Until then, I'm going to research what marketing power this new search-ability is going to provide!  SEO keywords might be replaced with phrases or whole sentences.  I know I can already find a quote from a movie or a song by typing a partial line.  

As people spend more time on Google finding answers instead of clicking links, the capability to pinpoint ads to those people and face-time will improve for Google.  Skip the ad on Facebook, go with Google to market your product.  That's what it means to me!

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