Thursday, March 1, 2012

Ready For No Stirrups March!

March is No stirrups month!  That's right riders!  Time to get on your horses and drop those irons.  In the past I've blogged about no stirrup month and am proud to say that we haven't yet had a fall because we weren't riding without our "training wheels", as some call them.  

I believed that stirrups are a comfort and safety device that allows you to stay in the saddle for long periods of time while giving you support during "rough" rides.  I owe those dangly foot holds for giving me stability during training sessions with new babies just starting out and dealing with a rider on their back.  My stirrups have thankfully released me when I've taken falls.  

I'd never want to banish stirrups forever, but for one month every year we cross them in front of the pommel out of the way or remove them altogether.  

To participate doesn't mean you have to do the same though!  During your warm-ups drop your stirrups until your ready to work.  Start off slow.  You'll find your stamina will grow.  The benefits of this exercise will increase your balance, strength and respect for the ones that do ride without their iron aides for an entire ride.  After a month you'll find half-passes not so strenuous, pushing your leg back for the changes easier, and lifting underside for collection a little less painful.  

Of course if you deem it unsafe because your on a bucking bronco and you just can't drop your stirrups, then don't.  If it's fear based try a yoga mantra that has helped me relax a muscle that's too stiff.

I am vulnerable.  I am strong.  I am strong because I am vulnerable.  

It might not make sense to you now but if you repeat the mantra the meaning will become very clear.  Ride safe and at the beginning of April you'll be saying--Thank you strange oddly shaped dangly things, you keep me in the saddle!

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