Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Why Space Travel Is Necessary

Space travel is necessary because one day, a black hole is going to swallow our world...

Black holes exist! They spin too--Myth-Busters proved it! 

I've been watching the forums for Curiosity and my conclusion is people of the space verity are freaky scary.  Not chase you with a knife scary, but we didn't really go to the moon terrifying.  Mr. Armstrong punching out one of the reporters claiming he didn't really go to the moon is my sentiments exactly.

And then there are friends I have that really scare me with their intelligence. People that figure out the velocity and speed a black hole is turning. To all you people you are amazing. And scary. 

You tell me things like our galaxy is swallowing another galaxy and we're all being tossed around in a galaxy vs. galaxy universe-cage fight. You tell me don't worry, the sun won't burn out for millions of years. By then we'll be off the planet or extinct.

Got me wondering about our last days alive or the launch escape from earth... 

Would I go or stay? I wouldn't take the chance to go! What about you?

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