Friday, April 22, 2011

I Abide By Nature

Photo by Donald Weller
Until we can make nature ours and control the tides, the wind, raging fires, the motion of the earth, the rotation of the sun, the order of our solar system, and the shape of our universe, we must abide by the unfair, unyielding and cruel forces of nature.

The strongest AND most adaptable survive.  No governmental system, no forced rule, no will of another can circumvent this.  Seeking charity corrupts man's ability to survive natures way, but accepting good-will from another is a gift to both the giver and receiver.  Learn from natures government.  We are not insects.  To compare mammals to a drone is folly in dealing with what truly drives a human being.

Rise beyond emotion's control is what we can learn from bugs.  Yet we have the power to move as one and achieve as one but not because we are similar or are forced.  I see a world that drives itself in many directions and I see this way as chaos.  Yet chaos is another form of order--the order of destruction.

In itself, decay is beautiful and the ebb and flow of natures way presides.  You cannot escape her.  You do not pass go, you do not collect $200.  Unless of course you're a pet.  And for that money you sell yourself short.  Is that all you're worth?

Sheep are food.  Accept this as your fate to be cared for if you will.  It's difficult to tell the difference between a sheepdog and a wolf.  My eyes are set in front of my head.  Call me wolf or call me sheepdog it makes no difference to me.  I abide by nature.  

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